Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Challenges in class

     What are the challenges in hybrid English? I believe that the main challenge for most people is the technology amplitude required for the course. Not that it requires a high amplitude, it's that it takes a basic knowledge or you will be behind. Some people have a problem on the blogging aspect of the class. Blogging is supposed to be fun and entertaining. It is not supposed to be a chore or a hassle. Group work concerns me on an individual aspect. I love to push people and try to bring out the better in them. I just don't know anyone that well yet to bring out the leader in me. I love group challenges, and love the rewards even more. 

     I believe that this course's accomplishments ooutweigh the challenges. One accomplishment is that I am developing my own writing style. Another is that I am enjoying writing again thanks to blogging. I believe that the hybrid course is the best style of course available at the university. Other accomplishments will show as the course develops. I am excited for this year, and to see what other tools I can place in my toolbox.


1 comment:

  1. I love blogging. I have two blogs that I run, and having this blog, I now have three. It is a great way to express concerns and ideas. I think people don't understand the power of blogging until they actually do it. In all honesty, blogging is not that hard. I completely agree with the technology aspect of class though. For me, I like not having to come to class and doing work on the computer. But to each his own!
